Family means love and complete whole.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
How To Centre Yourself
Click here for a lovely video of Hatha Yoga teacher Nadia Narain practising salutations. A nice way to start the day!
The pelvis: A keystone for yoga
By Liz Koch
The pelvis is the keystone of our physical structure and the foundation of a centered yoga practice. To feel centered and supported from within, our pelvis needs to be balanced and functioning as part of our torso without torques or twists. A balanced pelvis becomes a base of support for the spine, rib cage and head. It becomes a bowl containing and supporting the organs, nerves and viscera. A balanced pelvis frees the illiopsoas, the core muscle and increases range of motion in the hip sockets, preventing lower back and knee injuries.
The stable pelvis and the psoas muscle work in harmony-they form a partnership. The psoas muscle, a large, massive muscle, bridges the trunk to the leg. When used properly, it is a guide wire and as such, sensitively responds to the movement of the spine and the legs. When misused, the psoas muscle becomes rigid, limiting movement. Over time, misuse shortens the psoas muscle. A shortened psoas flexes and pulls on the pelvis, compressing the hip sockets and destabilizing the lower back.
As in any relationship, a dance occurs between pelvis and psoas. What often shortens the psoas is a destabilized pelvis, one that can no longer properly transfer weight from the trunk to the two legs. The psoas is then called upon to hold the trunk and leg together. Becoming a weight-supporting element, the psoas no longer can function freely as a muscle. It begins to function as a ligament and over time loses its suppleness as a muscle (i.e. begins to shorten).
In yoga asana, overextending, forcing a stretch and poor positioning can all stretch or tear pelvic ligaments, destabilizing the pelvis and shortening the psoas. Ligament damage or the overstretching of ligaments happens when they are under inappropriate tension. The pulling away of the bones one from another pulls, stretches, or tears the ligaments. Like the chicken and the egg koan, looseness in the sacrum and SI-joints calls upon the psoas to help hold the bones together. The body then further compensates by overdeveloping external muscles such as the hamstrings, gluts and adductors. This in turn pulls the bones further out of alignment and engages the psoas in holding the person together.
Proper positioning of the pelvis and releasing, toning and lengthening the psoas muscle is an integral part of stabilizing the pelvis. It is also an essential step in using the proper hip, pelvic and leg muscles, protecting the lumbar spine from compression and thus assuring the accuracy of each yoga posture. Focusing on the pelvis centers the work squarely inside the very core of your being.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
I'm excited about what i just found out in Another Magazine...Bjork's new album Biophilia (translating as “love of life” or “love of nature”) is partly inspired by David Attenborough!
Björk: “David Attenborough did this amazing show called The Song of the Earth, where he's exploring where animals and humans meet, and trying to work out how music-making started. So, he finds animals that make music, and then he meets these tribes performing ceremonies, and you try to imagine how that would have been the beginning of music…"
Jamie Armstrong
Vintage photographs and gold glitter...whats not to love!?!
See more of Jamie Armstrong's wonderful world here . I first saw them on this lovely art blog here.
See more of Jamie Armstrong's wonderful world here . I first saw them on this lovely art blog here.
Beautiful leather bags and mobiles from ANVE
'...Our items are mostly produced in small editions and sometimes unique, depending on the material we find. So if we come across, let's say, a beautiful piece of vintage leather we buy it, even if it's only enough for one little bag. Everything is handmade with love...'
I love the random selection of items and philosophy behind the shop!
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Monday, 27 June 2011
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Pose of the week
Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Big Toe Pose)
- Stretches hips, thighs, hamstrings, groins, and calves
- Strengthens the knees
- Stimulates the prostate gland
- Improves digestion
- Relieves backache, sciatica, and menstrual discomfort
- Therapeutic for high blood pressure and flat feet.
Beginner's Tip
If you are especially stiff, do this pose with the bottom-leg heel pressed against a wall or knee bent and sole of the foot on the floor. It's also useful to position a block just outside the raised-leg hip. Then when you swing the leg to the side, rest it on the block. The support under the thigh will help you soften the inner groin.
Things left behind...
Verlorene Kleidung im öffentlichen Raum (Lost clothing in public places) by Peter Piller. See more here
Friday, 24 June 2011
Thursday, 23 June 2011
1) Harriot Quimby
2) Bessie Coleman
3) Pancho Barnes
4) Amelia Earhart
5) Ruth Rowland Nichols
6) Amy Johnson
evencleveland has recently been posting lots about some of the worlds most pioneering female pilots. Very inspiring! Has also totally fuelled my want for an aviator jacket...
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Dear Photograph,
This newly launched blog, Dear Photograph, invites us take a picture from the past and photograph it, merging it into the present...lovely idea!! Get posting.