Just a few tips to help you create stability and deepen the quality of your experience in backbends...
- LENGTHEN YOUR ENTIRE SPINE. The whole spine should share in the curve. A normal thoracic spine has a mild amount of backward curve, which balances the normal forward curves of the lower back and neck. If the thoracic spine is stuck in a forward bend, then the lower back and neck, which are naturally more flexible in backbending, tend to overwork. The resulting localized excessive backbending, or hyperextension, contributes to compression and pain in the lower back and neck. It is important to focus the stretch on the thoracic spine, or midback, stabilizing the lumbar and cervical regions so they don't overwork and hyperextend.
- KEEP YOUR LOWER BACK LONG AND SUPPORTED. To avoid feeling pinched in the lower back bring your tailbone in as you focus on relaxing the buttocks. I like to envision the lengthening of my tailbone towards my heels and away from my pelvis.
- WORK YOUR ARMS AND LEGS. After all that talk about the spine, backbending isn't all about the spine. You need to use your arms and your legs to actively support the pose. Setu bandha is a great practice for this.
- RELAX YOUR JAW. If you find that you are excessively tensing a part of the body in a posture the pose might not be appropriate for you right at that moment...the jaw is a classic tell tale sign.
- KEEP BREATHING. People tend to hold their breath in backbends, but that can create stiffness in the pose, so keep breathing! I always find it useful to extend the spine on an inhalation and move into the backbend on an exhalation.
- ENGAGE YOUR BELLY SOFTLY. Your core supports your pose, but it needs to be supple. If it starts to harden it will affect your breathing.
- REPEATEDLY ROLL YOUR SHOULDERS BACK AND DOWN. Keeping the shoulder-girdle rotating away from the ears will help you keep a neutral curve in the cervical spine.
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