Friday, 30 September 2016
‘You Aren’t like Most Girls’
"How dare you tell me ‘I am not like most girls’,
when those ‘girls’ you refer to
are my sisters and mothers, my friends,
the very solace and the kindness I have sought
when the worst things in my life have happened?
How dare you assume
I should take that as a compliment,
and beam at you like it is praise
when you are alienating me
from the very core
of my proudly female being?
There are a thousand ways
to tell me you love me,
and making my sisters small
to make me big
isn’t one of them.
Tell me you love me, but not because I am different.
Tell me you love me, just because you do."
- ‘You Aren’t like Most Girls’ | Nikita Gill
when those ‘girls’ you refer to
are my sisters and mothers, my friends,
the very solace and the kindness I have sought
when the worst things in my life have happened?
How dare you assume
I should take that as a compliment,
and beam at you like it is praise
when you are alienating me
from the very core
of my proudly female being?
There are a thousand ways
to tell me you love me,
and making my sisters small
to make me big
isn’t one of them.
Tell me you love me, but not because I am different.
Tell me you love me, just because you do."
Tuesday, 27 September 2016
Friday, 23 September 2016
"Caillois ... called stones l’orée du songe—the shore of dreaming—and he amassed a wonderful collection, which he left to the Museum of National History in Paris where you can go and look at them; he also wrote two luminous books about stones. These are not about precious stones such as diamonds and rubies but about dendrites, agates, Chinese scholars’ stones—pebbles and rocks that look like nothing much at first but can open up wonders under contemplation ... They lead him to understanding the physical make-up of the world, its 'algebra, vertigo, and order.' He exults in their inscrutability and their lack of affect, their silence, their sheer stoniness. "
The Writing Of Stones
A selection of stones from Roger Caillois' s collection, found via Arts and Science Journal
"Who knows whether this tumult of triangles inscribed in stone, first brought about by nature and then by art, does not contain one of the secret cyphers of the universe?
"I see the origin of the irresistible attraction of metaphor and analogy, the explanation of our strange and permanent need to find similarities in things. I can scarcely refrain from suspecting some ancient, diffused magnetism; a call from the center of things; a dim, almost lost memory, or perhaps a presentiment, pointless in so puny a being, of a universal syntax."
—From The Writing of Stones
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Recommended Read
-- Byrd Baylor“Everybodyneedsa rock.I’m sorry for kidswho don’t havea rockfor a friend.I’m sorry for kidswho only haveTRICYCLESBICYCLESHORSESELEPHANTSGOLDFISHTHREE-ROOM PLAYHOUSESFIRE ENGINESWIND-UP DRAGONSAND THINGS LIKE THAT —ifthey don’t havearockfor a friend.”

Everybody Needs A Rock by Byrd Baylor, illustrated by Peter Parnall, is not just for kids. Follow her simple but insightfull tips on searching for the perfect rock to the letter and you'll find yourself moving and looking in all the ways nature intended. Priceless.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
kill your idols
Kill your idols and your fables
Take your weapons off the table
It's only mercy now that you need in your world
Lay your burdens on my shoulders
For a while until it's over
I'm gonna love you like we're all each other have
eric bachmann,
kill your idols,
Friday, 2 September 2016
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