
Wednesday 4 April 2012

pose of the week

Garudasana (Eagle Pose)
This is the most compact of the one-legged balancing postures, both in terms of shape, center of gravity, and the breathing. The entwining of the arms compress the ribcage, and the hip flexion, combined with the mild spinal flexion compress the lower abdomen. As with all balances it is great for concentration!

Practice: Don't be in a rush to get to the full expression of the pose (both arms and legs entwined). Take things slowly and build the pose in bits. Start in Tadasana and try just the arm action alone, and then the legs alone, and then put the two together when you are ready.  This article is a good 'how to' for beginners.

Sequencing: This can be a difficult pose so is often practiced near the end of a sequence of standing poses once the body is warmed up. It focuses on the ankles, calves, thighs, hips and shoulders so i like to use Adho Mukha Svanasana, Gomukhasana and Vrksasana as preparation.

Benefits: Strengthens your thighs, ankles, and calves; Stretches your shoulders, arms and upper back; Develops focus and concentration as it improves your balance and coordination.

Cautions: Knee Injuries - Avoid full version of foot behind calf-only cross one leg over the other; Late term pregnancy (issues with balancing); Medical conditions that affect balance; Low blood pressure
image from here

1 comment:

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