
Monday 30 April 2012

pose of the week

Viparita Karani (Legs-up-the-wall pose)

Viparita Karani is a very rejuvenating and refreshing inversion. It's definitely one for people who spend long hours standing or sitting who may experience swelling in the ankles. It is also ideal for cultivating an optimal postural alignment in the carriage of the upper body as it lengthens the spine and gently stretches and opens the shoulders.
Definitely one of my favourites.
Practice You can practice this with our without support and both have benefits. This is a nice guide for setting up.

Sequencing Viparita Karani is usually considered to be a restorative pose, sequenced near the end of either a restorative or active practice, but it can also be practiced as a pose in itself. Excellent preparations include: Supta Baddha Konasana, Uttanasana, Virasana and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana.
I like to follow up with Supta Sukhasana or Savasana.

Benifits. This pose is quiet calming for the nervous system and therefore has a very rejuvenating effect in a short amount of time. It relaxes the abdomen and releases tension in the solar plexus which helps deepen the breath. It can relive lower back pain and create more evenness in the pelvis.

Cautions Many teachers maintain that Viparita Karani is an inversion, and as such should be avoided during menstruation. I think its OK done without a lift during menstruation. As with any inversion Viparita Karani should be avoided if you have serious eye problems, such as glaucoma. With serious neck or back problems only perform this pose with the supervision of an experienced teacher. If your feet begin to tingle during this pose, bend your knees, touch your soles together, and slide the outer edges of your feet down the wall, bringing your heels close to your pelvis.

image from here

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